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Embrace Your Weirdness

Embrace Your Weirdness


Product Description


Everyone has their own qualities. Allowing ourselves to display
these distinct features makes us happy. However, suppressing
our distinctive features and denying our natural selves makes us
feel bad and darkens our identities. Resistance to our distinctive
features, however strange, results in a dark and inverted
projection of self, much as a black hole emerges from the
absence of a star.

Many individuals who conform do so because they are afraid of
being alone. Standing out, on the other hand, will not make you
lonely - far from it. By living honestly, you will meet others who
share your oddness. This is your clan. When you step up and live
your mission, you will discover those who have gone before you,
and you will be an inspiration to those who will come after you.


Others will perceive you as competent if you consider yourself as
capable. Others will perceive you as incapable if you see yourself
as unable. Self-perception has a lot of clout. It might be unsettling
at first to stop fitting in and start sticking out. However, if you
accept responsibility for your activities and disregard your fear of
criticism, the world will conform to your vision of yourself to the
extent of your conviction.

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